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Say Goodbye to Dry Hair with Design Essential’s Professional Platinum Deep Moisture Collection

black woman with luscious hair and Designed Essentials Platinum Deep Moisture Collection

Do you suffer from dry hair?  I’m not just talking to my naturalistas. Whether you wear relaxed styles or kinky hair, we all — at some point — suffer from dry hair.  I mean dry-like-the-desert DRY hair.  Moisturize your dry hair with Design Essential’s Professional Platinum Deep Moisture CollectionThis unique family of products saves the day for dry hair naturalistas!  

Come on, Fam! I know I am not the only one who cringes when my hair sounds like a steel wool pad scrubbing the frying pan. Crunch! Crunch! . . .Haha! I can hear that sound right now. When I start to hear this sound, I know my hair is in rough shape.  With the weather changing, and who knows what kind of pollutants floating in the air, I often need to restore my hair to its natural sheen and luster. 

My go-to product is the Platinum Deep Moisture Collection. This salon-quality collection is for all types of hair. It consists of five different products — each designed to build upon the other — adding much-needed moisture back to your hair. A deep moisturizing collection softens and detangles dry, coarse hair, bringing the hair back to its full glory.  If you’re looking for salon-quality products delivered straight to your door, order this product!
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