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How To Keep yourself and your salon guests safe during this Covid-19 pandemic.

There are so many things changing when it comes to how salon visits look now.  Yes, it can be overwhelming for you as well as your clients; however, I have found that creating systems at this time ensures that you don’t miss a step when it comes to keeping yourself and your salon guests safe during this Covid-19 pandemic.   The CDC has its rules, the cosmetology board has its rules, and each salon and guest may even have a set of rules. Here are two of the more well-known rules that salons enforce publicly:

  • Post signage to convey your message and rules clearly.
  • Have clients fill out a Covid-19 survey online 24hours prior to appointment.

Now, let me break down my sure-fire system:

  • It starts with scheduling. Make sure that you control your schedule.  As a stylist, you still need to limit how many people you are exposed to daily; and you don’t want to over book and have multiple guests because that can lead to cross-contamination and confusion when cleaning between guests.

So no double booking anymore!   Let’s make this a one-of-a-kind experience for each guest.

No double booking anymore!

Here is  the sanitation system at The Loc Oasis Salon:

  • When you enter the salon, please have on your mask prior to cleaning to ensure everything remains sanitized.
  • Start the day by making sure EVERY surface has been completely wiped down, cleaned, and sanitized with the proper virus-killing cleaning products.   Not all cleaning solutions kill viruses, so make sure you are reading the labels.   Also, make sure you allow the cleaning product to sit for the designated kill time.  This means don’t just spray and wipe.  Most solutions’ kill time is 1-3 minutes. 
  • The next sure-fire way to guarantee everything is sanitized – and to ease your clients’ anxiety –  is to create a sani-box kit for each client.
  • The sani-box kit contains a clear  plastic shoebox with a secure lid, two towels, combs, clips, hair ties, plastic gloves, color bowl, and spatula.
  • When making your box, wash your hands, put on your gloves, and always wear a mask.  Now  open your box, spray or wipe the surface with cleaner, and allow it to dry completely.
  • Inside the newly sanitized box, place the comb, clips, and all items that will be used on the client’s hair. On top of that, place 2 towels, gloves, and capes. You may also place inside any ” thank you letters or gifts that you can sanitize in advance. Put the lid securely on the top of the container, place your sani-box in a Ziploc bag, and seal jt. If the box contains personal items, you may label the container with the client’s name for that session. I advise that if you schedule 4 clients to prepare 5 containers in case you take an extra client for the day. 
  • After wiping clean your workstation and chair, place the client’s box in the chair; that signals that the chair has been cleaned and you are ready to begin.
  • After you shampoo your guest, spray and clean that area.  Make a habit of sanitizing each area as soon as you finish working in that space, or have an assistant designated for the task. 

Please make sure that you and all guests wear masks, and please wash your hands between guests.   Now, let’s make this a beautiful experience. 

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