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Natural Hair Stars

3 Social Media Stars Who Will Make You Envious of Their Natural Hair!

A year into the pandemic and we are inching our way back to normalcy. Who would’ve to thunk it! We’d be here still wearing masking, reminiscing on vacations, brunches, and attending the Natural Hair & Health Expo (shameless plug). Not me!!! I just knew this would be over with by now, and I would be […]

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How To Keep yourself and your salon guests safe during this Covid-19 pandemic.

There are so many things changing when it comes to how salon visits look now.  Yes, it can be overwhelming for you as well as your clients; however, I have found that creating systems at this time ensures that you don’t miss a step when it comes to keeping yourself and your salon guests safe […]

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Say Goodbye to Dry Hair with Design Essential’s Professional Platinum Deep Moisture Collection

Do you suffer from dry hair? I’m not just talking to my naturalistas. Whether you wear relaxed styles or kinky hair, we all — at some point — suffer from dry hair. I mean dry-like-the-desert DRY hair.

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Smooth curly edges with Design Essential’s ® Honey & Shea Edge Tamer

Now, if you were to ask me if I am Team Curly Edges or Team Bone-Straight Edges, I would lean towards curly edges, free of gel products; HOWEVER, there is an exception!

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